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GenR8 Is Celebrating 10 Years in 2020!

January 29, 2020


Guess what? We’re super excited to be celebrating 10 years in business this year! GenR8 is grateful and honored that our clients chose our services over the last 10 years and beyond. Thanks so much for the opportunity to serve you and your business. We appreciate you! 



Yes! Our podcast mics are back on. Stay tuned next month for our first podcast of 2020. We chat about turning the big 1-0 and what that means for us and you, our clients.





Ready for some change and to move the bar on your sales leads? We want that for you, too! Now, is a great time to gather your team, whether it’s one person or 10 and examine what’s working and what’s not with your marketing efforts? You don’t have to break the bank with your marketing budget. That’s the beauty of digital marketing and GenR8 is here to preach the good word. You can compete, even against the bigger competitors. It is possible to grow your base. Let us show you how. No gimmicks, no bait and switch – just honest, authentic marketing that reaches your target demographics. Here are some stats to get the wheels spinning…


  • Of the 1 BILLION users on Instagram, 90% Follow their favorite brands on the platform. (SproutSocial 2020)
  • Video is the most effective on Instagram, with video receiving 49% higher interaction rate than images. (SproutSocial 2020)
  • Google is the most used search engine, with over 3.5 billion searches a day (HubSpot 2020)
  • Google Advertisers make $8 for every $1 they spend on AdWords (HubSpot 2020)