Digital Marketing More Relevent Than Ever
These are uncertain times for so many, not only from a health standpoint but for businesses facing closure due to quarantine and social distancing measures. Now is the time more than ever to not only support small businesses in your community but to look at what you can continue to do within your operation. What does this look like specifically for digital marketing strategies?

- Move your meetings and conversations “online”. What does this mean? Facetime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and good ol’ speakerphone are all fantastic tools to continue to meet and work with clients and internally as team members shift to work-from-home mode.
- On the fence about moving to eCommerce sales? This is a great time to weigh your options and make a move. Maybe it’s not all products, but those in the highest demand are a great start. Products can always be added and switched up as you move along.
- Boost your digital presence. Social media, newsletters and your website are more relevant than ever. Give them the attention they deserve and need in times such as this, especially. Be thoughtful and intentional about your messaging. Does your website need some updates? You may find that you have more time on your hands and there’s no time like the present to make changes or updates to your website.
- Create a digital version of your sales pitch, strategy or PR packet. If you don’t have one already, it’s time to make this transition. More and more, people are looking to receive this information digitally for reference or back up post conversation. There are various apps and tools out there as you compile this information to present in an attractive and enhanced digital capacity for optimal results. Don’t forget to follow up after sending out your information.
- Use video and pictures to stay front-of-mind to your customers and Followers. People still want to see the people behind the business even if it’s not face-to-face. Video does not have to be perfect and no one expects it to be. Create value-added, humorous or educational content to present on your various platforms regularly.
Below, Jason shares some additional thoughts and efforts that GenR8 is doing during this time for not only our clients but others who may benefit from these workarounds.
Gift Certificate Opportunity
An opportunity has arisen to help address some of the business closures related to the COVID-19 epidemic and businesses through LIBA. Please see their message below to participate…
For business owners to get their business listed to sell these gift cards and gift certificates, please have them use this link to get their business signed up to sell the gift cards and gift certificates. There is no cost to business owners to sign up on this site.
Once we get businesses signed up on the site and it is ready to launch, we will be announcing this to the media statewide on Monday to get the word out for people to go online and purchase the gift cards. We hope this will help business owners with much-needed cash for their businesses at this time.
Please share this link with fellow business owners who would benefit from being listed on our site.
Washing Your Electronics
Washed your phone or computer lately? If not, then you need to get on it! Disinfecting and cleaning your electronics has always been important, but now more so than ever.

Cleaning Tips:
- Don’t use hand sanitizer on your hardware. It’s too harsh. Antibacterial, non-bleach cleaners are a good option if you don’t have a specific electronic cleaner on-hand.
- Don’t spray your equipment directly, but use a rag or micro-cloth to wipe down. Paper products tend to leave residue and debris and can leave your equipment smudged.
- Use compressed air to spray between keyboard keys and hard to reach places to clear out dust and debris. We all know you are eating and drinking at your computer or while using your phone – especially now!
- Clean your computer equipment every 36-48 hours, or as needed during this pandemic time. Phones, 1-2 times a day, maybe more. During normal times, you should be cleaning your phone daily and your office equipment once a week.
- Most importantly? WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY throughout the day and if you are out and about.